The School Advisory Council determines which committees are needed each year. These sub-committees are the “working groups” of our school council, the potential of which is limited only by your energy and enthusiasm. With an extended roster of committees to meet the diverse interests and talents of our school community, we hope you will find something that catches your eye! Please join us in enriching our children’s educational experience at Humbercrest Public School.
Contact the committee chair (if listed below) or send an e-mail to [email protected].
SoFun Committee (Social/Fundraising)
SoFun is a committee of parent volunteers at Humbercrest whose purpose is to present fun, social events and to raise funds for materials and programs that directly benefit all students. Thanks to the incredible support of the Humbercrest community, events including Pizza Days, Popcorn days, Dance-a-thon, Parent Pub night, Family Bingo Night, Movie Night and Party in the Playground helped raise money for the school and allowed our kids to have lots of fun. In past years, SoFun funds were used to purchase hard goods such as technology, musical instruments, gym uniforms, and classroom resources. But they also provide for arts and STEM presentations during the school day. There are several ‘fun-raising’ activities throughout the school year that allow all students to participate including the Holiday Breakfast, Talent Show and Dance a Thon. Throughout the school year requests are made calling for volunteers to help at all of the events listed above. Please consider giving your time to raise some fun and some funds! SIGN-UP now online, or contact Kristen Juschkewitsch at [email protected] for further information.
Environment & Sustainability Committee
The Environment & Sustainability Committee exists to promote environmental awareness and Earth stewardship in the school community. We support students, staff and parents/caregivers in making sustainable choices in their daily activities at school and at home by hosting various events and informing them of opportunities to aid the planet. Opportunities include: Boomerang Lunches; Fall and Spring Yard Day; WWF Sweater Day; Earth Hour; and Earth Week in April (Clean Toronto Together & OES Electronics Collection) to name a few. This committee continually strives to encourage the reduction of the school’s environmental footprint and help in achieving Platinum EcoSchools status (a TDSB initiative). If you are interested in getting involved, contact Georgina Bruinsma-Cajic at [email protected].
Allergy Committee
The Allergy Committee supports the well-being of students with life-threatening allergies by raising awareness about allergies, anaphylaxis and recognizing early symptoms, the importance of identifying and preventing cross-contamination, and by implementing protective procedures to help make the school a safer and inclusive environment for all. We work with everyone — teachers, staff, administration, students, parents/caregivers, and committees. Contact the Committee at [email protected]
Equity and Inclusivity Committee (a Sub-committee of Safe & Caring Schools Committee run by Admin.)
The Equity and Inclusivity Committee (EIC) wants to contribute to a positive school climate where students, staff, parents and other stakeholders work together to ensure we nurture and respect the unique needs of Humbercrest students and their families. Specifically, we want to support parent engagement and enrich student success by addressing issues of equity and inclusion as it pertains to culture, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, social status and learning differences. OUR GOALS Our goals are to support and enhance the equity and inclusion work at Humbercrest by engaging the needs and expertise of our parent community. We want to learn more about the individual differences that make up our diverse community. We also want to incorporate and adhere to the TDSB and Ontario Ministry of Education initiatives and policies in our work. We will communicate our learning to the community. Through the EIC, we will make recommendations to School Council, support ongoing equity and inclusivity projects in the school, as well as our own initiatives.
- February 2021: Minutes
- November 2021: Minutes
- December 2021: Minutes
- January 2022: Minutes
- November 2022: Minutes
- January 2023: Minutes
- November 2023: Minutes
- January 2024: Minutes
French/English Committee
The goals of the French/English committee are twofold: to maximize opportunities for the French and English streams to interact and collaborate, and to ensure a positive profile for the English stream at Humbercrest PS with both parents and teachers. This committee is one piece of the inclusivity puzzle. We are looking to bring on additional members, as a variety of experiences and opinions would ensure a more effective committee.
Grant & Corporate Donation Committee
There are many untapped public and private funding sources available for educational and community projects. In the past, our school received a CST grant to buy tablets and media equipment for the school ($5000) and a First Lego League Grant to set up a Humbercrest Hawks Robotics program for our students. This committee strives to bring together parents with strong writing and advocacy skills to research and prepare grant applications for school funds. Grant and corporate donations are increasingly important ways to enrich schools’ resources and student experiences. This committee also works fairly independently and communicates often online so parents that are interested in volunteering on their own time would enjoy the flexibility of this committee. If you are interested in further information, contact Helen Hsia at [email protected] to get involved.
Communications Committee
The primary role of the Communications Committee is to maintain the parent e-mail distribution list and ensure parents receive information electronically in a timely manner. Within the committee there is also a Web Manager (Greg Schneider) who oversees There is a need for additional web editors to add/edit copy for the web site! Other projects that fall within communications include: update the parent handbook content on the website each summer, assist with media relations and marketing for special events as they arise. This committee does not have meetings but works virtually. If you would like to join the team, contact Laurie Lyle at [email protected].
Drop-Zone Safety Team
It’s our job as part of the school community to ensure the safe arrival of all students. Because there is limited parking and safe unloading zones around the school, parents who must drive students in grades 1-8 are strongly encouraged to drop their children off in the Drop-Zone located on Watson Ave. To provide this service, Parent Council asks parent volunteers to help out between 8:40-9:00 am. Parent volunteers are partnered with a staff member, and are provided cones and a safety vest. The job entails helping kids out of the car safely, allowing parent to remain in the car and simply drive away. There is adequate staff supervision in the school yard between 8:45-9:00 am. If you are interested in learning more e-mail Laurie Lyle at [email protected].
TDSB Ward 7 – Parent Representatives from Humbercrest PS
TDSB Ward Council Meetings provide an opportunity for parent representatives from schools in the ward to meet with their local school trustee to discuss issues of common concern. Trustees are elected to represent specific political entities called wards. Ward Council Meetings are also an opportunity for the school trustee to inform parents about matters under consideration by the Board and get their feedback. Humbercrest selects 3 parents each year to represent our school at Ward 7 Meetings.